
In your ENFP Owners Manual you receive 5 modules filled with insights, self-discovery and tools including:

Module 1: Type Fundamentals

This module discusses the structure of your personality, helps determine which of the 4 ENFP subtypes you identify with, dives into the dichotomies & car model of your personality, and ENFP type-specific challenges.​


Understand Your Mind

The ENFP Owners Manual is your guide to mastering your mind. It delves deep into your cognitive processes, empowering you to leverage your strengths and conquer your challenges.

Handle Your Emotions

The ENFP Owners Manual is your key to emotional mastery. It explores the depths of your unique emotional landscape, equipping you with the tools to harness your feelings and navigate life's ups and downs with resilience.

Transform Yourself

The ENFP Owners Manual is your pathway to personal breakthroughs. It's crafted to gently guide you through your own journey, unlocking doors where you felt stuck and lighting the way to a higher version of yourself.


"Since my childhood I have felt like a square peg in a round hole.  I have thoroughly researched my 'profile' through other avenues yet have not been provided with the detail that links it all together - you provided that for me."

— Helen

"I didn't understand the meat and bones of the MBTI, that is, the cognitive functions.It is easy to read the stereotypical profiles on other websites and be completely misledinto thinking that you are one type when you are really another.

That is why I am so grateful for your very honest thoughts! 

I discovered that I truly am an ENTP!"

— Lauren

"I always wondered why I had such an ability of finding new information and integrating it into my worldview. Once I started acting on developing my Growth State, new worlds of possibility and opportunity opened up. It was like magic.

— Evan

"Thesimplicity and usabilityof the information has been remarkable. Together we were able to create breakthroughs in a matter of months where we had been stuck for years."

— Ivan

"You have granted mea new level of understanding about myself. This grants me a level of sense of self acceptance that is practically life saving. Thank you for changing my life." 

— Romi

"My profile caused me to have rich, deep appreciation for myself that I have never had before." 

— Bill

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We feel confident giving you this guarantee because we respect you. And we trust you.